What Happens to Your Golf Clubs with Golf Avenue

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What Happens to Your Golf Clubs with Golf Avenue

Louis Pringle
Oct 24, 2022
8 minutes

Ever wondered what happens to golf clubs behind the scenes at Golf Avenue? Ever wondered how we manage to take unique pictures of the clubs that come through our warehouse? Today, we’re taking you behind the scenes to show you how we provide you with a transparent shopping experience you can trust!

At Golf Avenue, we take pride in our mission to make golf more accessible to everyone. Whether you’re looking to make a change to your set, or you’re already in the process of adding the next club to your set, we want to take you beyond the boxes and the plastic wrap, to show you how we care for clubs here at Golf Avenue.

How does Golf Avenue process the used golf clubs that come through its warehouse?

Each golf club that comes through Golf Avenue’s front door is inspected. Once the inspection is done, the next step for your golf club will be the listing process. This is the final step.

The listing process is composed of four different steps:

  • Cleaning
  • Pictures
  • Specs
  • Storage

Cleaning Station

Right after the inspection process, your golf clubs are sent to the cleaning team. Our team focuses on getting any dirt out of the grooves of irons and wedges as well as making sure that we remove any unnecessary appendages that have been added to the club.


The cleaning process is key as it not only allows us to identify any defects that the reception team might have missed but also serves to prep and pamper the club ahead of the pictures step.

Pictures Station

Have you ever noticed that the product pictures are a bit different on Golf Avenue’s website? That’s because we show the actual club you’d receive if you were to complete a purchase with us. Stock pictures look amazing, but when you’re shopping for pre-loved golf clubs, you want to be able to see their condition.


This is where our pictures team comes in as their work is crucial in the process of offering a shopping experience unlike any other when it comes to used golf clubs.

At Golf Avenue, we take pride in offering you transparency unlike anywhere else. We realize just how important it can be for some golfers to find the exact golf club of their dream and it’s why we take at least five unique pictures of every golf club we have in stock.

By taking pictures of the club face, the top of the club head, the sole, the shaft, and the grip of every golf club, we offer you unique insight, which is the next best thing to having the actual golf club in your hands.

This way, you’re able to rely on the pictures that you see when you’re shopping, thus taking out the risk of having a disappointing surprise when your club shows up on your doorstep. And, while we do rate every club, you’re the best evaluator out there, so we give you the tool to make your own evaluation!

Specs Review

Following the pictures, the next step for your old clubs is the specs review station where our team members review the different specs of every golf club so that they can be accurately listed on the website.

Details such as the loft angle of the club face, the stiffness of the shaft, and the handiness of the club are reviewed so that they can be classified on the website. These details allow you to filter your searches based on loft angle, handiness, and shaft flex.

The specs team also rates the condition of the club. They give a rating ranging from 1 to 10 to rank the condition of the club based on the state of the club face, the top of the club head, and the sole. The shaft and the grip are rated on the same 1 to 10 scale.

The five ratings are combined to form an aggregate score which is ultimately associated with a club condition ranking. These rankings include the following conditions: new, excellent, very good, good, and fair.


If you watched some of our videos and clips on social media, you probably know this already, but with so many golf clubs in stock, we need to resort to creative ways to store them.

Most of our golf clubs are stored in bins and racks. We’ve opted for this system as it helps to limit the stacking of golf clubs, which can lead to problems in the shafts, and it makes life much easier for our shipping team when the time comes to ship out your next golf clubs.

Speaking of shipping golf clubs that you’ve ordered, now that you know what happens to your golf clubs when you send them for a trade or sell with Golf Avenue, let’s see what happens to the golf clubs your order.

How do you send a club for a trade or sell with Golf Avenue?

To complete a trade or sell with Golf Avenue, your first step will be to find your golf clubs in the database so that you can add all of them to your virtual trade or sell cart. Once you’ve added all the clubs to your cart, you can move forward with the next step where you decide how you want to ship your golf clubs.

Two options are available to you to ship your trade:

  • You can opt for a pre-paid shipping label. This allows you to ship your clubs with the box of your choice, as long as the box is big enough to fit them all. If you’re sending your old clubs to be traded after already receiving your new clubs, make sure to reuse the box you received with your new clubs to ship your old clubs. This will limit waste and make your life much easier!
  • You can also turn to Golf Avenue’s trade or sell kit. If you opt for this option, we’ll be shipping you a box filled with everything you’ll need to send your trade or sell our way. This package also includes a pre-paid shipping label, which allows you to ship everything as soon as you’re done packing.

Once you’ve decided on your preferred shipping option, all you need to do is wait for the trade or sell kit or the shipping label, package the clubs you’re looking to trade, and stick the shipping label to the outside of the box. Finally, you’ll need to drop off the box at the nearest service counter from the carrier listed on the shipping label.

Get a quote for my clubs

What happens to your golf clubs when you send them for a trade or sell with Golf Avenue?

Once the trade or sell makes it to Golf Avenue’s warehouse, a team member will scan your shipping label to locate your trade or sell in our database. Once they find your trade or sell in the system, a thorough inspection process begins for all the clubs.

How are traded golf clubs inspected?

The inspection process is the same for almost every golf club, although some of them require some additional attention. Everything is inspected, from bends in the shaft to dents in the club head, and worn-out grips. Clubs are checked for any defects and rattles inside the club head or the shaft.

Finally, the shafts are flexed, and the club heads are hit lightly at different angles so that any defects, which would show up upon impact, can be identified.

Are golf clubs tested before they are put up for sale?

With more than 50,000 products in stock, it would be very time-consuming for Golf Avenue’s team to try out every single one of these golf clubs. While our experts do get the chance to test some of these clubs for our expert reviews, we instead submit every golf club through the inspection process once they pass through the gates of the warehouse.

Once the inspection process is completed by the reception team, inventory labels are applied to the clubs and they are sent to the listing team for the next step of the process. The end of the inspection process also means that your trade or sell is complete.

If there are no issues with your trade or sell, your payment will be issued in the next few business days, with customer credit being the quickest way to get money for your trade or sell.

If there are issues with your trade or sell, our customer service team will get in touch with you quickly to explore the options from this point on. Usually, you’ll have the option to have your clubs ship back your way, but some situations can allow for more options that will still allow you to get some money.

Does Golf Avenue recondition golf clubs?

Yes, in some cases, if the deficiencies of your club are limited to a worn-out grip or a faulty shaft, we are able to replace the grip or shaft.

In the case of a grip replacement, $5 will be deducted from the value of your club or set. For a shaft replacement, $25 will be deducted from the value of the club or set.

What happens to your golf clubs when you order with Golf Avenue?

Once you’ve found the right golf club for you and completed your transaction at checkout, your order is sent to our shipping team. Within the next business day, our shipping team will venture out into the warehouse to locate your golf clubs, they’ll wrap them up for protection, put them in your box, and add the shipping label.

The different steps in the process of shipping your golf clubs once they are ordered:

  • Finding your golf clubs
  • Packaging the clubs
  • Shipping the golf clubs
  • Receive your clubs at home
  • Try it out at home

Shop Golf Clubs

Finding your golf club

We’ve got an established in-house labeling system that allows us to keep track of every golf club’s location in the warehouse. This system allows us to differentiate between the club you’ve purchased and another identical club. Each club and iron set get its very own label, thus limiting errors when we ship.

Packaging the club

Now that we’ve found your club, the next step is to prepare it for shipping. Once the club is at the shipping table, its label is scanned to confirm that we have the right. After they received the confirmation, a member of our shipping team wraps the club in bubble wrap to limit damages in shipping.

Shipping the golf club

After the club is packaged, it is picked up by the carrier before the end of the day. From this point on, until you receive the club at home, the fate of your club is in the hands of the carrier. Fortunately, our carriers are very reliable, but unexpected accidents can always in shipping.

Receive your club at home

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Depending on where you live, your club will usually show up at your front door within one business week. This means that if you went ahead with your trade or sell in the first place, you might have been out of clubs for a while already.

Save yourself the trouble of being left without any golf clubs by completing an all-in-one transaction with Golf Avenue’s combined cart. This allows you to complete both a transaction and a trade or sell, all at once.

Wait for your new golf club to show up at your door, head outside to try it out, and see if it’s right for you. If you’ve found the right club for you, use the box you just received it in, as well as its contents, package your old club in that same box, print out the new shipping label, and drop off your old club at the nearest location from the carrier indicated on your trade or sell label.

Try it out at home

Finally, you get to try your new golf club at home for 30 days. This means that from the moment your golf club shows up at your day, you get 30 days to make up your mind. You’ve played a few rounds with your club and it’s not right for you? Reach out to our customer service team before day 31 to get your return started.

Hopefully, this guide helps you gain a better understanding of what happens to your golf clubs when you send them for an online trade or sell or when you complete an online order with Golf Avenue.

We’ve made it our mission to extend the lifecycle of golf products and we believe that this process is the operational pinnacle of our mission. Every day, hundreds of golf clubs are added to Golf Avenue’s website for you to choose and that is because of golfers like you who opt to trust the process and extend the lifecycle of their golf clubs.

Until next time,

The Golf Avenue team

Further reading

Tired of always having to carry out two different transactions when trying to trade your old set and buy a new one? We've got a solution for you!

There's nothing we hate more than seeing perfectly good products go to waste. Learn how we extend the products' life to their fullest.